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Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Crosby Manufacturing Interim Project Status Report Read the Crosby Manufacturing

Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Crosby Manufacturing Interim Project Status Report

Read the

Crosby Manufacturing Case Study
and then
complete the assessment.

Recognizing project risks is a valuable skill in project managers. It is impossible to determine every single potential problem, but there are several common issues that can be predicted. Many times, a project manager will be comfortable with the identified potential risks, but an outside consultant may be brought in to evaluate the project progress vs. schedule and/or cost. In this instance, the outside consultant reviews the current project and project methodology and can recommend other planning methods or tools to lessen the impact of risks.

Crosby Manufacturing has brought you in as a consultant to get your feedback on their project management strategies. Their management team would like you to evaluate the project and provide an interim project status report of the current scheduling methodology and the risks the project is experiencing. 

You agree to write an interim project status report of your findings in which you:

· Identify the potential risks to project success in President Livingston’s plan.

· Describe the general project issues that were caused by following this project plan.

· Explain how all this information should have been communicated to the stakeholders.

· Recommend additional documents or tools that you would have applied to this project had you been the PM from the beginning.

As a reference, a report of this type is typically 2 to 3 pages long with appropriate section headers. 

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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