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  You are what you eat.” Have you ever heard that? Although that saying is not exactly true, what we do eat does impact how we concentrate in class,


You are what you eat.” Have you ever heard that? Although that saying is not exactly true, what we do eat does impact how we concentrate in class, work, perform in sports, and even affects our moods. The purpose of this activity is to deepen learning through reflective thinking. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment:

  • Keep a log of the foods and drinks you consumed (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) from Monday through Friday (no weekends).
  • After reviewing your food log at the end of week 1, please answer the questions below:
  • How many days did you eat breakfast? __________
  • How many days did you eat at least 1 fruit? __________
  • How many days did you eat at least 1 vegetable? _________
  • How many days did you eat “junk food” (chips, candy, etc.)? ________
  • How many days did you drink soda? ______
  • How many total ounces of water did you drink per day? ______ 
  • Support your answer with examples of why you gave yourself that rating. Describe ONE change you would like to make to your diet. Reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Be sure to write in complete sentences. A strong paragraph is at least 5 sentences. 


  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
  • The paper should be at least 5 sentences (approximately 100 words) in length.

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